Discovering and Deep Editing w. RACHEL KHONG
Author photo by Andria Lo.
Episode 13
Rachel Khong grew up in Southern California and holds degrees from Yale University and the University of Florida. From 2011 to 2016, she was the managing editor then executive editor of Lucky Peach magazine. Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in Tin House, Joyland, American Short Fiction, San Francisco Chronicle, The Believer, and California Sunday. She lives in San Francisco.
Discussed In This Episode
Memories = life. The 5 Year Diary. 1.) Wake up. 2.) Write. Writing to sounds, including (but not limited to), Noisli and recordings of people chewing on Spotify. BYORSP (bring your own roasted sweet potato). San Francisco's Mechanics' Institute Library. Cabins in the woods. Discovery and deep edits. Disabling your phone. Timers, timers, timers. Fragmented structures. 0 x 0 = 0. "I had always wanted to be a writer, which was incompatible with the fact that writing wasn't a real job." When to go to grad school. Being alone with yourself and figuring out what you care about. Random acts of editing. "I am a really practical and also terrified person." Sleep on your revisions. Celebrate at every stage.
Recommended Reading
Goodbye, Vitamin, Rachel Khong
"All You Have Eaten," Rachel Khong
The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron
Play It as It Lays, Joan Didion
Why Did I Ever, Mary Robison
Deborah Madison
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