Getting the Writing Done w. NATALIE GOLDBERG
Author photo by Mitsue Nagese.
Episode 28
Natalie Goldberg is the author of over fourteen books, including the bestselling Writing Down the Bones, which has changed the way writing is taught. Her other books include Wild Mind, The Long Quiet Highway (both published by Bantam), and The Great Spring (Shambhala). She continues to lead workshops and retreats nationally and internationally, which she has done for over forty years. She has also painted for as long as she has written. She lives in northern New Mexico.
Discussed In This Episode
The book that gets you to the next book. "You're really being tested: Are you gonna stand up?" Writing about your partner. Writers get to live twice. "I don't look for it as much as I used to." Visiting writers' graves. Researching yourself. What you don't need to get writing done. Monkey mind. "Nobody even asked me, 'On what authority are you telling us how to write?'" The writers who walk with you.
Recommended Reading
Let the Whole Thundering World Come Home, Natalie Goldberg
The Great Spring, Natalie Goldberg
Natalie Goldberg
In the Body of the World, Eve Ensler
Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer
The Fishermen, Chigozie Obioma
The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears, Dinaw Mengestu
John Edgar Wideman
The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, Carson McCullers
Leaving Cheyenne, Larry McMurtry
The Song of the Lark, Willa Cather
Giovanni's Room, James Baldwin
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