Minisode: A Tiny (and in Retrospect Totally Obvious) Epiphany


A Tiny (and in Retrospect Totally Obvious) Epiphany

The important piece of writing advice that finally sunk in.

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Thank you to WMFA patrons Ruthie Ackerman, Marta Bausells, Megan Brawley, Carrie Brown, Jack Cheng, Madison Cyr, Alice Elliott Dark, André Gallant, Nicky Gonzalez, Leah Hampton, Melanie Haws, Donna Hidock, Sarah Lauren Jaffe, Katie Karlson, Rachel Gordon Loube, Kathryn Matlack, Grace Pickering, Giulia Pink, Trivia NYC, Brooke Ward, Marianne Worthington, Erica Veurink and Lucretia Voigt for supporting this episode. Become a patron.
